
19th April, 2004

Spandan Swayam Seva Samsthe was established by the students of law graduates in their student life. The organization has took adoption of a village called adavisangapur for three years from 2004 to 2007 by commencing its rural activities.


During the period of 2007-08 in co-ordination with infosys bengaluru distributed many books worth Rs. 4500 to each youth clubs. Formation of library in adavisangapur and tigani bidari.


One of the director of our NGO has honoured by Govt. of India, Neharu Yuva Kendra as Dirstict best youth award in 2009


Organization has achieved Dirstict best youth club award during the year 2014-2015


The director of the organization has selected as chairperson of Child Welfare Committee and One of the director was also a member of same committee in same period.


Affiliated to Nehru Yuva Kendra.

Affiliated to Dept. of youth and Sports

Affiliated to Dept. of youth and Sports

Member of advisory Committee for children Home, Dept. of women and child Development.

Since 2017

One of the director of our NGO is the member of Juvenile Justice Board.