Welcome to Spandan Swayam Seva Samsthe

Spandan Swayam Seva Samsthe, Vijaypur established on 19th April, 2004. It was established by the students of law graduates during their student life. Organization adopted a village 'Adavisangapur for three years from 2004 to 2007.
Conducted many essential activities, conducted many programs, trainings which were helpful for youths, Organisation has conducted Personality Development Programs wherein many youths participated and conducted village survey under the supervision of NGO. Established youth clubs, Self Help Groups. Dr. R. Balasubramanyam the founder president of 'Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement' inaugurated clubs and SHG's.


Empowering the community organizations to strengthen the people in need of social justice and equality.


Implementation of strategies for improvement of Education. Heath and community development and ensure the same under community ownership.


Framing blueprint of Rural development under the community ownership and motivating to implement same through local bodies.

Implementation of steerages to achieve the co-ordination among the Community organizations.

Enhancing the demand for education, Health and social needs.

String thing the community organizations for ensuring the proper implementation of projects.

Emphasizing rural development under the community ownership.


Planning projects so as to enhance the demand for education among the community.

Organizing programs for improvement of heath status of each person.

Organizing training and awareness workshops to strengthen the community organization.

Collecting the data's through primary survey.

Motivating the youth clubs through trainings and Action plans to achieve the mural development.

To join hands with NG's for creating awareness for child Rights and child Rights proteetion.

Working Sector




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